NHADA Sponsors Legislative Crossover Lunch
Each year NHADA hosts a Crossover event in Concord on a crossover session day as a way to thank all elected officials for their hard work and dedicated service. Although this year was a bit different, NHADA still wanted to recognize the officials that work for you. Our annual reception event allows the elected officials to unwind and take a breath from their efforts during what is typically a hectic few days.
F & I/Aftermarket Products, Insurance, Automotive Technology Training & Compliance
A NHADA Diamond PARTNERDealer Management System, Computer Technology, Media/Advertising, Automotive Auction, F & I/Aftermarket Products, Automotive Technology Training & Compliance
A NHADA Gold PARTNERComputer Technology, Automotive Shop Equipment, Environmental Services
A NHADA Platinum PARTNERF & I/Aftermarket Products, Automotive Technology Training & Compliance, Environmental Services
A NHADA Diamond PARTNERNHADA teamed up with Tidewater Catering to sponsor a lunch, in lieu of an after session day reception, to celebrate the midpoint of their busy session. Crossover is the date when all House bills passed by the House are passed over to the Senate, and all Senate bills passed by the Senate are passed over to the House. Thank you to all of our elected officials for your hard work and Tidewater Catering for helping make this happen!