NHADA WCT Board Votes to Decrease Rates by 5%
The NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust Board of Trustees and staff are very pleased to announce that there will be a 5% decrease Workers’ Compensation rates this year; since 2016 NHADA WCT rates have decreased 14%. The 2018 rates are, on average, 27.2% less than the 1992 rates. The Workers’ Compensation Trust strives to keep rates as low as possible while insuring that premium is more than sufficient to cover claims and administrative costs. The WC Trust has been successful in achieving this goal over the years having returned over $85 million in rebates since 1983.
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Individual members may see increases or decreases in their premium depending on their claims experience and any changes in payroll. Those members with poor claims experience will see an increase in their experience modification factor, which drives increases in premium. Members who have experience modification factors less than 1.10, who are experience rated, receive an 18.4% discount.
In order to keep premiums down and rebates up, members must continue to be diligent in their efforts to reduce injuries by working closely with the WCT Loss Prevention Department.
Loss Prevention recommendations must be adhered to, Members who do not have safety committees should contact their loss prevention representative to establish one and Members should establish exemplary winter weather lot and sidewalk maintenance policies and procedures. When injuries do occur, remember to promptly report claims to the NHADA WCT Claims Department, communicate with the NHADA WCT Nurse Case Manager and return injured employees to work in a light duty basis.