Workers' Compensation
for Motor Vehicle Businesses
Keep more dollars in your pocket through your NHADA membership and the Workers' Compensation Trust.
The NHADA WCT is one of the most successful self-insured trusts in the State of New Hampshire. Started in 1982, the Workers’ Compensation Trust has successfully kept rates low and consistent, with none of the volatility found in the typical commercial workers’ compensation market.
In addition, the Workers’ Compensation Trust has returned to our Members over $100 million in rebates since our inception. Whatever money is left after claims are paid out is returned to the membership less an administrative expense.
Who Is Eligible?
Only members of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association may be eligible for NHADA Workers' Compensation Trust coverage.
Per RSA 281-A:2 VIII, a corporation or limited liability company (LLC) that has three or fewer executive officers or LLC members and no other employees, coverage is not mandatory. Once there is a fourth executive officer or LLC member, Workers' Compensation insurance must be obtained. Once coverage is in place, all persons, including all officers or LLC members, are considered employees and would automatically be covered. Up to three executive officers or LLC members may then elect to be excluded per RSA-A:18a.
- Estimated payrolls by classification for a year
- Three years of loss runs
- Your current experience modification factor
Ready to get started?
When you're ready, one of our team members will be happy to assist you with a quote. Do you still have questions? More FAQs.
Select Services
Members of the trust receive the highest level of personal care and specialized services to help their motor vehicle business succeed.
Members of the trust receive annual safety inspections and recurring risk management services.
Written policies tailored to trust members help them comply with OSHA regulations and the DOL.