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NHADA Insurance | Well-being

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Other Resources

NH Children's Trust
"We ensure parents have easy access to high-quality resources and support to help children develop the skills they need to thrive. We educate direct-service professionals, advocate for better policies to support parents, and connect with local agencies to strengthen families and lay the foundation for children's success." (from their website)

Crisis Center of Central NH
"Our mission is to work towards the end of domestic and sexual violence in Merrimack County. We do this through advocacy, empowerment, education and collaboration. Services are provided regardless of gender, age, health status, HIV status, physical mental or emotional ability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, socio-economic status, race, national origin, immigration status, religious or political affiliation." (from their website)

Drug Free NH
"The Partnership envisions a New Hampshire where individuals have the information and skills they need to make and support positive, healthy decisions around the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs." (from their website)

Doorway NH
"The Doorway is a new program that is changing how New Hampshire helps people with an opioid use disorder or other substance use disorders. They offer assistance with accessing every level of treatment." (from their website)

Recovery Friendly Workplace
"Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative" promotes individual wellness for Granite Staters by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder." (from their website)

Granite Recovery Centers
"For over 10 years, Granite Recovery Centers has been transforming the lives of alcohol and drug dependent adults from New England and well beyond. Our New Hampshire addiction treatment centers offer a unique blend of evidence-based clinical psychotherapies with a comprehensive 12-Step curriculum. Our addiction treatment programs feature a full continuum of care that includes medical detox, medication-assisted treatment, primary residential treatment, extended care, sober living, and intensive outpatient counseling." (from their website)

Green Mountain Opioid Addiction Guidance
"Opioids are a synthetic form of the oldest drug in the world. Over the years, the opium plant has been cultivated for both medicinal and recreational use. Today, these drugs are considered acceptable for some medical purposes, such as treating severe pain. However, opioids are extremely addictive, and they can cause unwanted physical and psychological effects." (from their website)

Red Cross
"The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors." (from their website)

Health Resources

NH Moves
A project of The Governor’s Council on Physical Activity and Health, NH Moves offers a suite of exciting programming geared towards one thing: promoting a healthy lifestyle for all New Hampshire residents. (from their website)

Living Well at Home with Virtual Wellness Classes
"Whether you are looking to shake it up, stretch it out, or get centered, we’ve got you covered with Zumba®, yoga, guided mindfulness, wellness sessions, which are now available to everyone through our Living Well at Home programs. All classes are at no cost to you and easy to access via Zoom." (from their website)

UNH Health & Well-Being
Supporting Healthy Choices and Creating Healthy Communities (from their website)

NH Healthy Lives
"New Hampshire Healthy Lives is a statewide collaboration of state agencies, non-profit agencies, health-related organizations, and individuals that are working together to create healthier lives in New Hampshire by decreasing the burden of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and tooth decay." (from their website)

Health and Human Services – Programs & Services
HHS agencies offer resources to help you eat smart, exercise regularly, and get routine health screenings and vaccinations.

Chronic Pain Self-Management
"This program engages adults with chronic pain and their caregivers to build practical skills to manage and overcome the challenges of living well with chronic pain." (from their website)

Chronic Disease Self-Management
"We offer evidence-based self-management programs designed to give you the skills, tools and confidence you need to help take control of your chronic condition(s) and live life to the fullest." (from their website)

Mental Health Resources

NH Community Behavioral Health Association
"The Ten Community Mental Health Centers in New Hampshire. These centers serve individuals in our state who are living with – and recovering from – mental illness and emotional disorders. This network of mental health centers provides ongoing and emergency behavioral health services to New Hampshire residents, both children and adults." (from their website)

Change Direction
"The goal of the Campaign to Change Direction is to change the culture of mental health so that all of those in need receive the care and support they deserve." (from their website)

"NAMI New Hampshire is a grassroots organization working to improve the quality of life for all by providing support, education and advocacy for people affected by mental illness and suicide." (from their website)

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