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Regulatory Affairs

At the heart of many regulatory discussions, NHADA directly engages with the state agencies governing our industry, ensuring your voice is heard where it matters most.

Advocating for Industry Success

Motor Vehicle Industry Board

NHADA attends meetings and maintains a strong presence with the Motor Vehicle Industry Board (MVIB), the governing body for our industry.

Licensing Assistance

Any person engaged in the motor vehicle business who sells five or more new or used vehicles to the general public is considered a retail vehicle dealer and must be licensed. The licenses enforced by various state agencies can be found in our "How to Become a Dealer in NH" resource. NHADA staff assists members every year through the licensing renewal process and helps new dealers become licensed.
Close up image of businesswoman hands signing documents

Regulatory Compliance

Owning a motor vehicle business entails adhering to state rules and regulations. We help members comply with these and address any concerns they may have with the relevant agency.

Regulatory Agencies

Meet the agencies regulating the motor vehicle industry, those of which that have a recurring license are noted withLICENSE Those who have recurring policy updates are noted withRENEWAL