The 2020 Legislative Session: Stories & Voices
As of this writing there are over 835 bills filed for the next session, some good, some bad. One thing is clear, it will be a very busy session for NHADA. For us to be successful we will need your help. We will need your grassroots outreach and relationships. We will need your voices and your stories, especially from customers. A few high priority bills are highlighted below and I am sure you can see how the customers stories and your voices will help.
F & I/Aftermarket Products, Insurance, Automotive Technology Training & Compliance
A NHADA Diamond PARTNERDealer Management System, Computer Technology, Media/Advertising, Automotive Auction, F & I/Aftermarket Products, Automotive Technology Training & Compliance
A NHADA Gold PARTNERComputer Technology, Automotive Shop Equipment, Environmental Services
A NHADA Platinum PARTNERF & I/Aftermarket Products, Automotive Technology Training & Compliance, Environmental Services
A NHADA Diamond PARTNERRepeal of the Vehicle Safety Inspection Program: A bill has been proposed by Representative Casey Conley (D-Dover) to end the annual vehicle inspection program; however, we have been told the proposal will continue the annual emissions inspection testing program. NHADA has long held the position that annual safety inspections help save lives, keep NH roadways safe, and saves consumers money in the long run. Preventative maintenance is always cheaper than catastrophic repair. The New Hampshire DMV has statistics to show that annually there is at least a 16% vehicle failure rate for critical components like tires and brakes.
Collision Repair: NHADA and the NHCRAG will be continuing the legislative effort that we worked on last session for our collision repair members. It is a common-sense bill that will protect consumers investment in their vehicle, support collision repair shops both big and small, and most importantly ensure vehicles are safely repaired and restored to the roads.
OHRV issues: There are multiple bills on ATV issues, some with a positive impact while some are very negative. There are a few bills aimed at the Ride the Wilds trail system. There are bills to specifically close certain roads to ATVs entirely. There are a few bills to allow ATVs and golf carts to travel certain roadways statewide. NHADA, working with the DMV and DOS, as well as Rep. Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry) has proposed a bill for a study commission to look at roadway travel by all nontraditional motor vehicles to get all stakeholder input and concerns before crafting a statewide policy.
Motorcycle Auxiliary Lamps: current state law only allows 3 auxiliary lamps on vehicles. Many motorcycles come straight from the factory with more than that. There is an important reason for that; safety! Motorcycles are tougher to see on the road and additional lamping improves their visibility to other roadway users.
California Vehicle Emissions Standards: A bill has been filed to have New Hampshire adopt the California Low Emissions Vehicle standards for passenger vehicles.
Photocopying of Drivers Licenses: The DMV has proposed a bill to modernize the law on the photocopying/ scanning of driver’s licenses. Many businesses, NHADA included, are looking forward to this legislation.
There are also bills filed on: a mandatory motorcycle and bicycle helmet law, a mandatory seat belt law, abandoned vehicles, a road usage fee, travel reimbursement for students attending CTE’s, a prohibition on auto dealers requiring the purchase of insurance at the time of sale of the vehicle, and mobile inspection stations to name just a few. Stay tuned for our on-going legislative updates and be ready for our calls to action to help us tell your story and why these issues are important to NHADA member businesses, their employees as well as the customers and communities that you serve.
As always “Our Voice in Concord is Only as Loud as yours at Home.” For questions on this or any legislative issues contact me at or (800) 852-3372