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NHADAFeb 10, 2021< 1 min read

[SCAM ALERT] Beware of Parts Credit Card Phone Orders with Third-Party Pickup Designees

Recently, a Franchised NHADA Member reported a fraudulent attempt at purchasing tires from their Parts department. Here’s how it played out:


  • Member receives phone call from an out-of-state customer
    Customer places large order (for 6 tires) and attempts to pay with credit card
    Member attempts to require identification at time of pick up and purchase of items
  • Member is told a 3rd party will pick up
  • Member tells buyer they will still need identification verification with the purchase
  • The caller hangs up not to be heard from again

Remember to always collect valid payment up front and beware of third-party pick-up plans.

If you think you have been affected by a scam be sure to pass on the information to make others aware. Be sure to file a complaint with the NHDOJ and let us know so that we can alert other NHADA members.