The following email message was sent to all NHOST units:
To: All Inspection Stations
From: NHOST Services
Date: December 26, 2023
RE: 2026 Sticker Forms & 2023 Sticker Form Returns
Your station will soon receive a small quantity of 2026 sticker forms that are being sent to all NH inspection stations. Initially, these stickers will be needed only for early inspections of antique vehicles (40 years or older) which have a 2-year expiration date. As the expiration for these antique vehicles is in April, the earliest you would need the 2026 stickers will be January 1st, 2024. Please make sure that you secure these sticker forms as required by DMV for all sticker materials.
Also, a pre-paid envelope will be sent with the 2026 sticker forms that you will need to return all the unused 2023 sticker forms that you have at your station. Simply place all unused GREEN 2023 forms in the pre-paid envelope, seal it, and return the envelope using standard USPS mail service. In this way, the 2023 sticker forms will be returned to Gordon Darby for final inventory reconciliation.
Please note that if the envelope we will be providing for you to return the unused GREEN 2023 forms gets lost or damaged before mailing, you will be responsible for returning the 2023 forms. It is very important that you return all unused 2023 sticker forms by January 31st, 2024, to ensure that you do not incur any charges for this inventory.
We recommend verifying that you will be returning all available 2023 sticker forms. Check the sticker numbers of your physical inventory using the “Sticker Inventory” screen of your NHOST unit.
Please do not include any voided 2023 sticker forms or stickers from other year with the 2023 forms that you are returning. Also, please do not send sticker books that you purchased from DMV with your 2023 forms.
If you have questions, please contact the Help Line at 1-800-383-4124.